General Update - 15th August 2024

Written by
Renee McKay
General Update - 15th August 2024


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  1. Neque sodales ut etiam sit amet nisl purus non tellus orci ac auctor.
  2. Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet viverra suspendisse potenti.
  3. Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar.
  4. Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet viverra suspendisse potenti.


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Odio facilisis mauris sit amet massa vitae tortor.


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  • Adipiscing elit ut aliquam purus sit amet viverra suspendisse potenti .

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Rave General Update - 15th August 2024

Every two weeks, we'll post a 'General Update' on the UPDATES page of our website, highlighting all the new features and improvements from the past fortnight. We’ll also include a link to these updates in our monthly newsletter, making it easy for you to stay informed and access the latest features and enhancements.

Here is what we will show you in more detail below:

  • The default status is now set as LEAD for all new clients entered into Rave - Update
  • Improvements to Rave's Files sub-tab for faster and easier navigation - Update
  • A new Time Tracking widget for adding and viewing your timesheet entries - New Feature
  • New Look and Feel for My Timesheets, Branch Timesheets and Project Timesheets Sub-tab - Update
  • The ability to bulk re-assign a new task assignee across all projects via the Site Build/Build Overview/Settings screen - Update
  • New Estimate Sub-Categories - New Financial Feature
  • Make "Close Quote Request" notifications optional for sent quote requests - Financial Update
  • Customising the prefix on Purchase Orders - Financial Update
  • Back Costing Expand and Collapse Views for simple or advanced reporting - Financial Update
  • Detailed Transaction Report Upgrades - Financial Update
  • Cost To Complete Report - Financial 'New' Report
  • Error when sending documents to Xero/Email notification - Financial Update

The default status is now set as LEAD for all new clients entered into Rave - Update

We heard your feedback—now, when entering a new client, the default status is set to "lead." This means that on the SITE BUILD page all new leads will not show until they have been changed from "lead" status.

Improvements to Rave's Files sub-tab for faster and easier navigation - Update

As many of the other sub-tabs in Rave have recently received a makeover - we thought it high time the FILES sub-tab was given a new look and feel. This is just the first stage of several new upgrades - stay tuned for more updates soon.

A new Time Tracking widget for adding and viewing your timesheet entries - New Feature

We now have a 'clock in, clock out' widget located under your user dropdown on every page in RAVE, allowing you to clock in or out from any page, for any job!

You are also adding the ability of being able to track your breaks! A much anticipated feature that we are very excited to deliver within the next week.

Click here to view the FAQ Time Tracking - Adding and Viewing your Timesheet Entries

New Look and Feel for My Timesheets, Branch Timesheets and Project Timesheets Sub-tab - Update

Rave's Timesheets now has three Timesheet summary screens - the My Timesheets and Branch Timesheets (permission based, if you cannot see it, ask your Branch Owner for permission) available via your profile dropdown option. The third option is Project Timesheets, found in the Project via the Timesheet sub-tab. These have all been updated to match the snazzy new Time Tracking widget. We hope you love this change as much as we do!

Click here to view the FAQ Rave's My Timesheets, Branch Timesheets + Project Timesheets

The ability to bulk re-assign a new task assignee across all projects via the Site Build/Build Overview/Settings screen - Update

While the project schedule's ‘Replace Assignee’ action allows you to reallocate all of a project's tasks assigned to one task assignee to another - the Bulk Replace Assignee allows those with branch owner access to swap out an assignee from all projects they are assigned tasks to, and complete a number of handy actions at the same time - via the Site|Build / Build Overview / Settings 'Bulk Replace Assignee across ALL Schedules' tool.

Click here to view the FAQ The Bulk Replace Assignees for ALL Projects Function

New Estimate Sub-Categories - 'New' Financial Feature

Rave now has Estimate Sub-categories to allow a much more detailed view of your cost vs spending, to ensure no over or under spend goes unnoticed. Each line item can now be able to be assigned to a sub-category to give users further detail to where their spend is going. Sub categories are not compulsory so if you don't need this level of detail you can skip this step entirely and continue using Rave at a Category level. We will also be releasing new reporting features over the coming weeks that support Estimate Subcategories so stay tuned.

Click here to view the FAQ Rave's New Estimate Sub-categories

Make "Close Quote Request" notifications optional for sent quote requests - Financial Update

Some of you requested the option to tick notifications on or off for your subcontractors and suppliers when closing a quote request, so here it is!

Customising the prefix on Purchase Orders - Financial Update

You asked and we responded. We have now made the ability to change the prefix on your purchase orders much simpler. You can always manually edit a PO by just typing or over typing in the purchase order reference box. However now you are able to choose from some pre designed prefixed with a click of a button.

Click here to view the FAQ Changing the prefix on your Purchase Orders

Back Costing Expand and Collapse Views for simple or advanced reporting - Financial Update

We get it, sometimes you just want a simple view of the back costing report - We now have a cool toggle that you can slide left for a simple view and right for advanced.

Click here to view the FAQ The Project Back Costing Reports

Detailed Transaction Report Upgrades - Financial Update

We've updated the Transaction Report to include all document types from quotes and variation quotes to client invoices and client credit notes. Within the Branch Transaction Report (under the reporting dropdown) we have also added a multi-select filter for cost centres.

Click here to view the FAQ Branch Detailed Transaction Report

Cost To Complete Report - Financial 'New' Report

Our New Cost to Complete column is now live in the profitability Reports Tab inside a project in Rave Financial.

The icon at the top of the header Cost to Complete Totals will show you the balance required to “complete” this project based on the approved quotes Less Bills (Less overspends). This will give you the value required to finish the project without displaying budget blow outs/overspends.

Also for those with Branch level reporting. We have a new Cost to complete report in the Financial section

This report will provide you with a “Current Position for each project.”

We take the total project value including variations and markup i.e the client total, then display the invoiced to date amounts, then display the balance to be invoiced i.e Uninvoiced Total, then the quote Total i.e your approved budget, then billed Total. We then display the Cost to complete Total (this has your overspends already removed as you need to still spend the money to finish the project)

Then we calculate if the project is in an overall positive or negative position.

Click here to view the FAQ Rave's New Cost to Complete Report

Type image caption here (optional

Error when sending documents to Xero/Email Notification - Financial Update

Notification if a document fails to send to Xero, we'll notify you via email with all of the relevant details - including the reason for the failure (if known) - Financial Update

If a document (PO, BILL, CREDIT, INVOICE) fails to send to Xero we will send the user who created the document an email telling them the document failed, and where we have a reason why it failed.

Click here to view the FAQ Error when sending documents to Xero